
Quarter 4, Week 10 of 10

House Cleaning...ugh.
  1. Make sure all of your work is turned-in on Google Classroom.
  2. Make sure everything that SHOULD have a grade in Infinite Campus DOES.
  3. Make sure that your journal entries are dated. IF YOU WOULD LIKE IT BACK, please ask me to score it on Tuesday.
  4. ENRICHMENT vocabulary needed to be done by MAY 18. It will not appear in the gradebook until Friday because entering before all other grades would artificially inflate the overall grade in the course.
Speaking of grades...
You will only see a grade
for Quarter 4
Semester 2.
This is because
Creative Writing
was only technically
for Semester 1.

Quarter 4
Semester 2
are listed as the 
World Literature course.
So, yeah.
Sometimes, grades
really are

stranger than fiction.
Open letter to students in the class:

I'd like to thank you all for making this 
a fun and memorable time for me.
I was quite anxious entering the course
Never having taught it before this year.
Writing creatively is not easy.
It takes talent, skill, and a willing heart.
It takes patience, vision, and revision.
It requires failure, courage, and trust.
Whether you choose to continue writing
for yourself or for others down the road
I hope you have learned something of value,
something that will continue long after.
Na Ali'i can write brilliant fiction.
Thank you all for reminding me of that.

Mr. Fisher


Quarter 4, Week 9 of 10

Aloha Seniors...We're sad to see you go; but, your graduation gives us hope for the future! We wish you good fortune on your journey into the unknown, and we know you will each continue writing stories in your own unique way. 
If you need inspiration, look to the stars. 
If you need solitude, trek into nature. 
If you need to escape, watch Star Trek!
If you need us, Kekaulike will always be with you.
Changes can still be made to Major Project #7 until you see a score on it.
If you have not posted something, please do. If you did post, thanks! Maybe read some of the others and leave positive feedback!
Once you post, please make your ABOUT page. You can make it as fun, colorful, and picture-filled as you want!
We have no more extra copies of the magazine; however, we can make them available for purchase through Blurb. If this is something you are comfortable with, we can make that decision as a group. It's a simple click of a button to make the title searchable @
Thoughts on a creative writing club
Click here to learn about how some clubs get started.
My vision for the club is for production of a bi-annual magazine open to anyone on-campus and for anything from stories to poetry, art, comic books- anything that can be printed on the page.
...that may not be your interest.
Maybe you have a different goal. 
That's fine, too.
Are there others who would like to be involved? Let me know and I will issue them a pass to Period 2 one day this or next week.
No matter what, we should discuss ideas for next year. It could be fun!
Iron Man (Tony Stark), Captain America (Steve Rodgers), Thor (God of Thunder)

Quarter 4, Week 8 of 10

Major Project #7 
draft due TODAY, May 14.
If you want some help, 
finish it early.
Final is due May 21.
Last major project 
for the year!!!!!!!!!!
Copy the following song lyrics in your journal:


My insides all turned to ash, so slow

And blew away as I collapsed, so cold 

A black wind took them away from sight
And now the darkness over day, that night
And the clouds above move closer 
Looking so dissatisfied 
But the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing 

I used to be my own protection, but not now
Cause my path has lost direction, somehow
A black wind took you away from sight 
And now the darkness over day, that night 

And the clouds above move closer
Looking so dissatisfied
And the ground below grew colder 
As they put you down inside 
But the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing 

So now you're gone, and I was wrong
I never knew what it was like to be alone
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day 
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day

I used to be my own protection, but not now
'Cause my mind has lost direction, somehow
On a Valentine's Day, On a Valentine's Day
On a Valentine's Day, On a Valentine's Day

Mark the text for powerful imagery, deep symbolism, rhyme or rhythm that you find interesting. Write down any ideas you have about the theme. 

Let's discuss!!!!!!!!!
Reflecting on the year...reay eht no gintcelfeR

There is a reflection survey on Google Classroom. Please do that first.
We will have a written reflection activity
after the survey.
Inspire others!
Post your work (or a link to your work)!
Finish up those projects! I'll be available each day for feedback. If you want the best, sit with me during class, so we can read AND talk about it!

Quarter 4, Week 7 of 10

Finish letter for 
Major Project #7...
(optional for Seniors)
on the 
 is complete and uploaded to Blurb!
Here's hoping the prints will come
in time for 
Star Wars...yadadada Star Wars.
For serious, though...
I know the class has been
pretty loose for the last few weeks.
I hope nobody feels cheated
by that.
My goal was to give you
more unstructured time to 
work at your own pace.
Very soon,
I will make an end-of-year review
available on Google Classroom.
All I ask for is honesty.
If something worked well, 
let me know.
If something didn't,
PLEASE let me know.
If you have an idea
to make it better,
I'm all ears!
Here's to the journey.

Quarter 4, Week 6 of 10

drafting a
Major Project #7...
(optional for Seniors)

This is your
last one
for the
Who wants some pizza? do I.
The box
of chocolates
that life 
is like
seems, to me,
a bit stale.
I still like 
the metaphor.

Major Project #7
Letter is due soon...
(seniors excluded)
of Seniors...
Let's work on
the publication!
It needs to be ready to go
by Friday!

You need your own
writer's page
and the ancillary pages
in the book still need
to be completed.


Quarter 4, Week 5 of 10

Heads up!
If you didn't turn in Major Project #6
last week,
You need to do it
this week!

 We'll cool it with the Star Trek  for a few days...

'Can be a lot to handle...
Like what happened
in the 90s.
Seniors- I need to
speak with all of you
as a group
about our last publication.
Major Project #7...
This is your 
last one 
for the 


Quarter 4, Week 4 of 10

Click this link
and check out the titles.
...we have access to most of these books at Kekaulike.
Choose several to learn more about.
If you want to read it,
go ahead.
If you don't want to read it,
But, learn something about it.
Maybe you will change your mind
Grammarly auto-corrected me on someday.
I like some day better.
You should probably
take some notes on 
the book(s) you chose.
I bet Mr. Fisher was going for that with this thing...
you started with a 
writing warm-up.
If not,
you're still a good person.
I Wanna Write You a Song
was playing while I wrote this.
Do you remember that?
It was nice. 
Should we watch
more Star Trek? 
(Measure of a Man)
Mr. Fisher wanted to read
The Little Prince. Bummer, though.
He couldn't find the copies.
I had a giant gold-leaf copy of this
at one point in my life.
It's gone, now.
I miss it.

Discover it on your own,
or some day.

I think you have a
 major project 
to be working on.


Quarter 4, Week 3 of 10

So, about that project...
April 9-13
  • Any revisions to your proposal letter need to be made, printed, signed, and resubmitted by the last class of this week.
  • All Juniors are Smarter Balanced testing this week. Please be cognizant of whether or not you are near a testing room. Also, remain aware that this is pretty darn big deal for all of us. Try not to lay any unnecessary drama at the feet of those students who are testing.
  • Remain inspired to create every day. Writing warm-ups are not a chore! If they become that, don't do them! Just know that, if you don't warm up, you can hurt yourself- just like in running, weightlifting, or other physical activity!
  • Listen, feel, smell, and look outside to the mundane, everyday world for ideas. We miss so much rushing from one place to the next. Roses are not the only things to stop and smell: dirt, trees, grass, trash, sea water, streams, ginger, guava, even b/o and poo can inspire us to write using vivid sensory language!
Target Practice: I am ready to draft my major project and understand that discovering the world around me will be my inspiration. Fist-5?
  • Continue drafting your project (be aware of the looming due dates ahead)
  • Think about which project from this year you want to be in the final print publication for the course (we will be choosing before major project seven)
  • Talk to Mr. Fisher if you are interested in starting a creative writing club next year (underclassmen only)
Discover more! Inspire others to take the creative writing class next year. We have started a great thing at Kekaulike...let's keep it going!

Quarter 2, Week 2 of 10

Five minute writing warm-up. 3...2...1...go! But, do it silently.


By the way, 
you do have a project to propose.

...'just sayin'.
You have a proposal to write, 
then a project to write!
   Oh. is this what you want?   


is RIGHT NEXT to the Space Needle
Yeah. I've been there. 
It's pretty awesome.


Quarter 4, Week 1 of 10 (Perpetually Under Construction)

Since this is creative writing, I'm going to be creative and try a new format.
You have the due-dates in the column to the right.
You know that every day will start 
with time for writing warm-up
a short lesson of some kind, 
and then some time to 
work on your own.
Other than that, I'm not going through the motions 
of creating a blog post that looks 
pretty much the same each week, 
just to say I have one.
you can jump on-board with me and try something new!

If it doesn't work, we have a great structure to return to...

Let's talk discovery...and writing to inspire.

What do you want to discover
How will you be inspired? 
In what ways will you grow this quarter?

Read about how some current-day authors get inspired to write.

Quote of the moment:
-Andy Dufresne/Ellis Redding, The Shawshank Redemption
adapted from 


Quarter 3, Week 10 of 10

Officially, Major Project #5 is due at the end of the quarter, March 15! Continue working on your project until you see a  grade on it from me.
Monday, March 12
Due Today: open mind
Learning Target: RI.11-12.2 Determine two or more central ideas of a text...provide a complex analysis; provide an objective summary of the text. W.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach...
  1. Do Now: Conduct your own writing warm-up before starting work today (list available to the right, if you need it)
  2. After: Extemporaneous writing about peace (5 minutes)
  3. Then: Read The King Center homepage ONLY. As you read, consider the following
    • Who was Dr. King, really? What was his message? Why did it need to be heard?
    • Is is message still relevant today? How? Why?
    • Does your writing reflect any of Dr. King's ideas?
  4. Next:  Individual work-time for Major Project #5
Target Practice:  My major project is proficient or better based on my proposal letterFist-5?
  • The International Peace Poem Project is accepting submissions until the end of the week. If you would like to revise your writing into a publishable poem, please revise it and send to me. If you would like to work on it with me, I can do so outside of class time. Kekaulike students were selected as winners of the contest in the past, and had their poems published! Click here to see poems and learn more information. I must receive completed entries by Thursday, March 15 at 2:15!
  • Continue writing major project #5
Thursday, March 8
Due Today: open mind
Learning Target: W.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach... L.11-12.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
  1. Do Now: Conduct your own writing warm-up before starting work today (list available to the right, if you need it)
  2. After: Individual student work time
  3. During: student-teacher meetings
  4. Next: International Peace Poem contest reminder
Target Practice: My major project is proficient or better based on my proposal letterFist-5?
  • The International Peace Poem Project is accepting submissions until the end of the week. If you would like to revise your writing into a publishable poem, please revise it and send to me. If you would like to work on it with me, I can do so outside of class time. Kekaulike students were selected as winners of the contest in the past, and had their poems published! Click here to see poems and learn more information. I must receive completed entries by Thursday, March 15 at 2:15!
  • Continue writing major project #5
Looking Ahead...Seniors- Good luck on your presentations! Everyone- have a great spring break! Keep writing!


Quarter 3, Week 9 of 10

Major Project #5 is due at the end of the quarter, March 15!
Monday, March 5
Due Today: Major Project #5 Proposal
Learning TargetRL.11-12.9 Demonstrate knowledge of eighteenth-, nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century foundational works of American literature, including how two or more texts from the same period treat similar themes or topics. L.11-12.5 Demonstrate an understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
  1. Do Now: Read The 28 Most Powerful Poetry Lines... After reading the full list, choose three and write them out in your journal- along with the poem title and author's name. If you have time, feel free to peruse the comments...there are more!
  2. After: Search for the three poems that you chose and read each one. After, respond to at least one in your journal. Use the two sets of questions below to guide your response.
    • What kind of poem do you think it is? Why do you think the author chose this genre? How does the poem make you feel? Does the author's use of a particular style or poetic devices create this feeling within you?
    • Did this activity improve your comfort level with reading poetry? Why or why not?
  3. Then: Complete the survey on Google Classroom.
  4. Next:  Individual work-time for Major Project #5
Target Practice: I learned something new about poetry today and feel more comfortable with reading it on my own. Fist-5?
  • Continue writing major project #5
Tuesday, March 6
Due Today: open mind
Learning Target:  W.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. L.11-12.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
  1. Do Now: Conduct your own writing warm-up before starting work today (list available to the right, if you need it)
  2. After: Individual student work time
  3. During: student-teacher meetings
  4. Next: Enrichment Reminder: Beginning Acting Showcase, Vocabulary
Target Practice: I can complete a draft of major project #5 for teacher/peer review next week. Fist-5?
  • Continue writing major project #5
Thursday, March 8
Due Today: open mind
Learning Target: W.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. L.11-12.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
  1. Do Now: Conduct your own writing warm-up before starting work today (list available to the right, if you need it)
  2. After: Individual student work time
  3. During: student-teacher meetings
  4. Next: Enrichment Reminder: Beginning Acting Showcase, Vocabulary
Target Practice: I can complete a draft of major project #5 for teacher/peer review next week.Fist-5?
  • Finish writing a draft of major project #5 by next class
Looking Ahead...finish major project #5 for teacher review next week!


Quarter 3, Week 8 of 10

Make sure that all of your journal entries are dated! I check them only once at the end of the quarter!
Monday, February 26
Due Today: open mind
Learning Target: W.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. L.11-12.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
  1. Do Now: Digging into poetry! Read the link and select 8 different types you would like to try. Write the genre, a short definition, and a professional example (you may have to search further for that last part). 
  2. After: In your journal, complete the 60 second word challenge: P words. The goal is 30 words or more!
  3. Then: Use a warm-up strategy to produce at least 3 different poems from your list above.
  4. Next:  Create Proposal document for Major Project #5 on Google Classroom.
Target Practice: I learned something new about poetry today and want to try writing in different forms. Fist-5?
  • continue brainstorming your next major project
  • If you did not finish at least three poems in class today, finish for homework. This will be one of the entries I check in your journal at the end of the quarter
Tuesday, February 27
Due Today: open mind
Learning Target:  W.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. L.11-12.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
  1. Do Now: In your journal, complete the 60 second word challenge for each of the following: N words, colors, and travel terms. The goal is 30 or more in each!
  2. After: 5 minute poem- choose a genre from the Digging into poetry! lesson...Go!
  3. Then: Individual student work time
  4. During: student-teacher meetings
Target Practice: I know what my 5th Major Project will be and can begin drafting a proposal letter. Fist-5?
  • continue brainstorming your next major project
Thursday, March 1
Due Today: open mind
Learning Target: W.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. L.11-12.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
  1. Do Now: In your journal, complete the 60 second word challenge: K words, emotion words, setting descriptions. The goal is 30 words or more!
  2. After: 5 minute poem- choose a different genre from the Digging into poetry! lesson...Go!
  3. Then: Individual student work time
  4. During: student-teacher meetings
Target Practice: I can finish writing a proposal for Major Project #5 by the beginning of next class. Fist-5?
  • continue brainstorming your next major project
  • Begin drafting your next major project

Looking Ahead...finish your MP#5 proposal and begin drafting!


Quarter 3, Week 7 of 10

Brainstorm Major Project #5 THIS WEEK!
Wednesday, February 21
Due Today: open mind
Learning Target: W.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. L.11-12.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
  1. Do Now: Introduction by Mrs. Jacqueline Zambrano
  2. After: Discussion about what it takes to be a professional writer, tricks of the trade, and tips about how to get started
  3. Then: Question and Answer session about the presentation
  4. Next (time-permitting):  Individual BONUS work-time for major project #4
Target Practice: I can use the knowledge gained from today's guest speaker and discussion to improve my writing. Fist-5?
  • BONUS! Continue revisions to Major Project #4
  • Begin thinking about Major Project #5 and create NEW proposal document
Thursday, February 22
Due Today: open mind
Learning Target: W.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. L.11-12.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
  1. Do Now: Writing warm-up. The trouble started when Sofia brought home a _____ last week.
  2. After: Brainstorming MP #5- think about time...
  3. Then: Pre-write letter for MP#5 in notebook
  4. During: Begin drafting MP#5 letter
Target Practice: I can finish drafting my proposal for Major Project #5 by next class. Fist-5?
  • continue drafting your next major project proposal letter by classtime on Monday
Looking Ahead...Deadlines, dealines, deadlines!


Quarter 3, Week 6 of 10

Final draft of Major Project #4 due THIS WEEK!
Monday, February 12
Due Today: open mind
Learning Target: W.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. L.11-12.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
  1. Do Now: In your journal, complete the free writing activity. This is not really a warm-up writing activity. It is designed to let your mind wander and give an opportunity to write about whatever pops into it (5 min.).
  2. After: BBC Writing warm-up (see worksheet here)
  3. Then: Individual student work time
  4. During:  Individual student-teacher meetings about project
Target Practice: I can continue drafting my 4th major project with knowledge gleaned from class. Fist-5?
  • continue drafting your next major project- final is due by Friday @ midnight
Wednesday, February 14
Due Today: open mind
Learning Target: W.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. L.11-12.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
  1. Do Now: Describe me writing warm-up.
  2. After: Read this article from Atlantic Monthly and annotate for word, phrase, and sentence
  3. Then: Individual student work time
  4. During: student-teacher meetings
Target Practice: I can finish drafting my 4th major project to a proficient level or better based on my proposal letter. Fist-5?
  • continue drafting your next major project- final is due by Friday @ midnight
  • Think about what you might want to do for Major Project #5
Looking Ahead...Hear from a published writer! Our own Ms. Zambrano will be speaking to you on Wednesday!


Quarter 3, Week 5 of 10

Make sure that all of your journal entries are dated! I check them only once at the end of the quarter!
Monday, February 26
Due Today: open mind
Learning Target: W.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. L.11-12.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
  1. Do Now: Digging into poetry! Read the link and select 8 different types you would like to try. Write the genre, a short definition, and a professional example (you may have to search further for that last part). 
  2. After: In your journal, complete the 60 second word challenge: P words. The goal is 30 words or more!
  3. Then: Use a warm-up strategy to produce at least 3 different poems from your list above.
  4. Next:  Create Proposal document for Major Project #5 on Google Classroom.
Target Practice: I learned something new about poetry today and want to try writing in different forms. Fist-5?
  • continue brainstorming your next major project
  • If you did not finish at least three poems in class today, finish for homework. This will be one of the entries I check in your journal at the end of the quarter
Tuesday, February 27
Due Today: open mind
Learning Target:  W.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. L.11-12.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
  1. Do Now: In your journal, complete the 60 second word challenge for each of the following: N words, colors, and travel terms. The goal is 30 or more in each!
  2. After: 5 minute poem- choose a genre from the Digging into poetry! lesson...Go!
  3. Then: Individual student work time
  4. During: student-teacher meetings
Target Practice: I know what my 5th Major Project will be and can begin drafting a proposal letter. Fist-5?
  • continue brainstorming your next major project
Thursday, March 1
Due Today: open mind
Learning Target: W.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. L.11-12.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
  1. Do Now: In your journal, complete the 60 second word challenge: K words, emotion words, setting descriptions. The goal is 30 words or more!
  2. After: 5 minute poem- choose a different genre from the Digging into poetry! lesson...Go!
  3. Then: Individual student work time
  4. During: student-teacher meetings
Target Practice: I can finish writing a proposal for Major Project #5 by the beginning of next class. Fist-5?
  • continue brainstorming your next major project
  • Begin drafting your next major project
Looking Ahead...finish your MP#5 proposal and begin drafting!