
Quarter 4, Week 7 of 10

Finish letter for 
Major Project #7...
(optional for Seniors)
on the 
 is complete and uploaded to Blurb!
Here's hoping the prints will come
in time for 
Star Wars...yadadada Star Wars.
For serious, though...
I know the class has been
pretty loose for the last few weeks.
I hope nobody feels cheated
by that.
My goal was to give you
more unstructured time to 
work at your own pace.
Very soon,
I will make an end-of-year review
available on Google Classroom.
All I ask for is honesty.
If something worked well, 
let me know.
If something didn't,
PLEASE let me know.
If you have an idea
to make it better,
I'm all ears!
Here's to the journey.