
Quarter 4, Week 9 of 10

Aloha Seniors...We're sad to see you go; but, your graduation gives us hope for the future! We wish you good fortune on your journey into the unknown, and we know you will each continue writing stories in your own unique way. 
If you need inspiration, look to the stars. 
If you need solitude, trek into nature. 
If you need to escape, watch Star Trek!
If you need us, Kekaulike will always be with you.
Changes can still be made to Major Project #7 until you see a score on it.
If you have not posted something, please do. If you did post, thanks! Maybe read some of the others and leave positive feedback!
Once you post, please make your ABOUT page. You can make it as fun, colorful, and picture-filled as you want!
We have no more extra copies of the magazine; however, we can make them available for purchase through Blurb. If this is something you are comfortable with, we can make that decision as a group. It's a simple click of a button to make the title searchable @
Thoughts on a creative writing club
Click here to learn about how some clubs get started.
My vision for the club is for production of a bi-annual magazine open to anyone on-campus and for anything from stories to poetry, art, comic books- anything that can be printed on the page.
...that may not be your interest.
Maybe you have a different goal. 
That's fine, too.
Are there others who would like to be involved? Let me know and I will issue them a pass to Period 2 one day this or next week.
No matter what, we should discuss ideas for next year. It could be fun!
Iron Man (Tony Stark), Captain America (Steve Rodgers), Thor (God of Thunder)