
Quarter 4, Week 4 of 10

Click this link
and check out the titles.
...we have access to most of these books at Kekaulike.
Choose several to learn more about.
If you want to read it,
go ahead.
If you don't want to read it,
But, learn something about it.
Maybe you will change your mind
Grammarly auto-corrected me on someday.
I like some day better.
You should probably
take some notes on 
the book(s) you chose.
I bet Mr. Fisher was going for that with this thing...
you started with a 
writing warm-up.
If not,
you're still a good person.
I Wanna Write You a Song
was playing while I wrote this.
Do you remember that?
It was nice. 
Should we watch
more Star Trek? 
(Measure of a Man)
Mr. Fisher wanted to read
The Little Prince. Bummer, though.
He couldn't find the copies.
I had a giant gold-leaf copy of this
at one point in my life.
It's gone, now.
I miss it.

Discover it on your own,
or some day.

I think you have a
 major project 
to be working on.