
Quarter 1, Week 6 of 10 (med-quarter grades)

Mid-quarter Grades Released Next Week!
Tuesday, September 3
Due Today: revisions to MP #1
Learning Target: W.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.
  1. Do Now: 2 minute stories warm-up
  2. After: Back-and-forth story activity. Here is your story-starter...
    • An abandoned home sat at the top of the hill. Tiberius and Brianna knew the rumors about it, but they had to see it for themselves. They tiptoed their way up the steps, and when they reached the door, it swung open. Inside . . .
  3. During: Individual time to revise Major Project #1
  4. Next: Individual meeting time to discuss Major Project #1
Target Practice: I can use my learning from class to revise Major Project #1. Fist-5?
  • Revise the draft of your first Major Project. Check the CRITICAL DATES box on this page for the due-date.
  • Continue adding to your Vocabulary list of 35 new adjectives ONLY
  • Optional: Choose a location to observe and take notes in your INB. The observational journal can give you valuable notes for use in your stories. Observe for at least 30 minutes to get the most out of your time.
Friday, September 6
Due Today: revisions to MP #1
Learning Target: Learning Target: W.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach. 
  1. Do Now: 2 minute stories warm-up
  2. After: Hero's journey activity
  3. Then: What elements of the preface did you find most interesting? Was there anything you can directly apply to MP #1?
  4. Next: Reminder about due-dates (see top-right of this blog if we run out of time)
Target Practice: My first major project is written and I only need to check for language revisions. Fist-5?
  • Revise the draft of your first Major Project by this week's due-date. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS to final draft due-dates.
  • Continue adding to your Vocabulary list of 35 new adjectives ONLY
  • Optional: Choose a location to observe and take notes in your INB. The observational journal can give you valuable notes for use in your stories. Observe for at least 30 minutes to get the most out of your time.
Looking Ahead...The heroes journey!