
Quarter 4, Week 6 of 10

drafting a
Major Project #7...
(optional for Seniors)

This is your
last one
for the
Who wants some pizza? do I.
The box
of chocolates
that life 
is like
seems, to me,
a bit stale.
I still like 
the metaphor.

Major Project #7
Letter is due soon...
(seniors excluded)
of Seniors...
Let's work on
the publication!
It needs to be ready to go
by Friday!

You need your own
writer's page
and the ancillary pages
in the book still need
to be completed.


Quarter 4, Week 5 of 10

Heads up!
If you didn't turn in Major Project #6
last week,
You need to do it
this week!

 We'll cool it with the Star Trek  for a few days...

'Can be a lot to handle...
Like what happened
in the 90s.
Seniors- I need to
speak with all of you
as a group
about our last publication.
Major Project #7...
This is your 
last one 
for the 


Quarter 4, Week 4 of 10

Click this link
and check out the titles.
...we have access to most of these books at Kekaulike.
Choose several to learn more about.
If you want to read it,
go ahead.
If you don't want to read it,
But, learn something about it.
Maybe you will change your mind
Grammarly auto-corrected me on someday.
I like some day better.
You should probably
take some notes on 
the book(s) you chose.
I bet Mr. Fisher was going for that with this thing...
you started with a 
writing warm-up.
If not,
you're still a good person.
I Wanna Write You a Song
was playing while I wrote this.
Do you remember that?
It was nice. 
Should we watch
more Star Trek? 
(Measure of a Man)
Mr. Fisher wanted to read
The Little Prince. Bummer, though.
He couldn't find the copies.
I had a giant gold-leaf copy of this
at one point in my life.
It's gone, now.
I miss it.

Discover it on your own,
or some day.

I think you have a
 major project 
to be working on.


Quarter 4, Week 3 of 10

So, about that project...
April 9-13
  • Any revisions to your proposal letter need to be made, printed, signed, and resubmitted by the last class of this week.
  • All Juniors are Smarter Balanced testing this week. Please be cognizant of whether or not you are near a testing room. Also, remain aware that this is pretty darn big deal for all of us. Try not to lay any unnecessary drama at the feet of those students who are testing.
  • Remain inspired to create every day. Writing warm-ups are not a chore! If they become that, don't do them! Just know that, if you don't warm up, you can hurt yourself- just like in running, weightlifting, or other physical activity!
  • Listen, feel, smell, and look outside to the mundane, everyday world for ideas. We miss so much rushing from one place to the next. Roses are not the only things to stop and smell: dirt, trees, grass, trash, sea water, streams, ginger, guava, even b/o and poo can inspire us to write using vivid sensory language!
Target Practice: I am ready to draft my major project and understand that discovering the world around me will be my inspiration. Fist-5?
  • Continue drafting your project (be aware of the looming due dates ahead)
  • Think about which project from this year you want to be in the final print publication for the course (we will be choosing before major project seven)
  • Talk to Mr. Fisher if you are interested in starting a creative writing club next year (underclassmen only)
Discover more! Inspire others to take the creative writing class next year. We have started a great thing at Kekaulike...let's keep it going!

Quarter 2, Week 2 of 10

Five minute writing warm-up. 3...2...1...go! But, do it silently.


By the way, 
you do have a project to propose.

...'just sayin'.
You have a proposal to write, 
then a project to write!
   Oh. is this what you want?   


is RIGHT NEXT to the Space Needle
Yeah. I've been there. 
It's pretty awesome.