
Quarter 2, Week 6 of 10

Major Project peer editing begins this week!
Monday, November 20
Due Today: draft of Major Project
Learning Target: W.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approachRL.11-12.3 Analyze the impact of the author's choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama.
  1. Do Now: Choose partner for peer editing (different person each day)
    • editors should plan to make at least 10 editorial marks. DO NOT look for spelling, grammar, syntax, or punctuation errors during this round of editing. You are only reading for understanding and editing for ideas that will help your partner improve.
  2. After: Create note-taking guide for The Matrix: allusions, metaphors, relation to class, revelations
  3. Then: Watch The Matrix
  4. During:  edit partner's Major Project #1 (optional to do during class)
Target Practice: I can make a connection and/or see the connection between my creative writing project and The MatrixFist-5?
  • Finish editing partner's major project
  • Revise major project using feedback from partner in class
  • Dream Journal Reminder: For the class, you are expected to keep a dream journal for 5 consecutive days. This will not be assessed until the last week of the quarter. Feel free to do more if you feel it is a valuable activity! The dream journal must include:
      1. Day, Date, and Time (morning, night, nap...specific time is not required)
      2. Description: focus on sensory details, not analysis
      3. Analysis: write a sentence or two about what you think the dream was about
      4. Reflection: write a sentence or two about what you think precipitated the dream, why you might dream something like this, or what larger meaning it might have.
Tuesday, November 21
Due Today: none
Learning Target: W.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach. RL.11-12.3 Analyze the impact of the author's choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama.
  1. Do Now: Choose a NEW partner for peer editing (different person each day)
    • editors should plan to make at least 10 editorial marks. DO NOT look for spelling, grammar, syntax, or punctuation errors during this round of editing. You are only reading for understanding and editing for ideas that will help your partner improve.
  2. After: Create note-taking guide for The Matrixallusions, metaphors, relation to class, revelations
  3. Then: Watch The Matrix
  4. During: edit partner's Major Project #1 (optional to do during class)
Target Practice: I can make a connection and/or see the connection between my creative writing project and The MatrixFist-5?
  • Finish editing partner's major project
  • Revise draft of major project using editing from class
Looking Ahead...In class revision of Major Project