
Quarter 1, Week 5 of 10

Mid-quarter Grades Released Next Week!
Monday, August 26
Due Today: story draft
Learning Target: W.11-12.3 Write narratives focused on a theme with attention to character development
  1. Do Now: Finish activity from the end of last class
  2. After: Individual meetings with teacher to review progress on Major Project #1
  3. During: Individual time to write Major Project #1
  4. Next: consider "A Writer's Hierarchy of Needs" and how your needs are similar or different ('might be good to take a look at the accompanying article)
Target Practice: I have a draft of my EA 1 and am ready to revise. Fist-5?
  • Revise the draft of your first Major Project. Check the CRITICAL DATES box on this page for the due-date.
  • Continue adding to your Vocabulary list of 35 new adjectives ONLY
  • Optional: Choose a location to observe and take notes in your INB. The observational journal can give you valuable notes for use in your stories. Observe for at least 30 minutes to get the most out of your time.
Wednesday, August 28
Due Today: Observation journal entries #1 and #2
Learning Target: Learning Target: W.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach. 
  1. Do Now: 5 minute quickwrite warm-up
  2. After: Scheduled work-time for Major Project #1 (30 minutes).
  3. During: Individual student-teacher meetings about progress
  4. Next: review the rubric provided on Google Classroom
Target Practice: My first major project is written and I only need to check for language revisions. Fist-5?
  • Revise the draft of your first Major Project. Check the CRITICAL DATES box on this page for the due-date.
  • Continue adding to your Vocabulary list of 35 new adjectives ONLY
  • Optional: Choose a location to observe and take notes in your INB. The observational journal can give you valuable notes for use in your stories. Observe for at least 30 minutes to get the most out of your time.
Friday, August 30
Due Today: Observation journal #2
Learning Target: W.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach. L.11-12.3 Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts.
  1. Do Now: Listen to Levar Burton's reading of Octavia Butler's Childfinder (story starts at 7 min. mark)
  2. During: Imagine the world created by the story. Draw what you hear on the next page of your INB.
  3. Then: questions about the rubric provided on Google Classroom
  4. Next: Scheduled work-time for Major Project #1 (30 minutes).
Target Practice: My first major project is written and I only need to check for language revisions. Fist-5?
  • Revise the draft of your first Major Project. Check the CRITICAL DATES box on this page for the due-date.
  • Continue adding to your Vocabulary list of 35 new adjectives ONLY
  • Optional: Choose a location to observe and take notes in your INB. The observational journal can give you valuable notes for use in your stories. Observe for at least 30 minutes to get the most out of your time.
Looking Ahead...The heroes journey!

Quarter 1, Week 4 of 10

Be prepared to work on your proposed project EACH DAY for some length of time.
Monday, August 19
Due Today: story draft
Learning Target: W.11-12.3 Write narratives focused on a theme with attention to character developmentL.11-12.3 Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts. L.11-12.6 Acquire and use accurately new academic and content specific words and phrases.
  1. Do Now: 5 minute quickwrite warm-up
  2. After: 20 minutes individual time to write/revise narrative story
  3. Then: Login to Google Classroom and discuss Major Project #1
  4. Next: Discuss Vocabulary section of INB and Observational Journal
Target Practice: I know what I will be doing for my first Major Project of Quarter 1 and can begin drafting. Fist-5?
  • Continue working on your first Major Project. 
  • Begin Observation Journal: Go to a public eating area/establishment, observe, consider, and take notes on the environment for 20-30 minutes. Do this at least twice before class tomorrow. Make sure to date the pages. Please be safe, and write copious, organized notes.
  • Continue adding to your Vocabulary list of 35 new adjectives ONLY
Wednesday, August 21
Due Today: Observation journal entries #1 and #2
Learning Target: RI.11-12.2 Determine two or more central ideas of a text and analyze their development over the course of the text, including how they interact and build on one another to provide a complex analysisW.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.
  1. Do Now: What did you learn from your observation activity? Google Classroom activity
  2. After: Write with Excellence article using the Text Rendering Protocol.
  3. Then: Choose one other article from the site that has a writing strategy you're willing to try. Read it and be ready to share with the group.
  4. Next: Scheduled work-time for Major Project #1 (30 minutes).
Target Practice: I can use observational learning to enhance my first Major Project in Quarter 1. Fist-5?
  • Continue your observational journal by going to two different places and observing for 20-30 minutes each (movie theatre, mall, park, sporting event, play, busy parking lot, grocery store, etc.) Please be safe, and write copious notes.
  • Continue working your first Major Project.
  • Continue adding to your Vocabulary list of 35 new adjectives ONLY
Friday, August 23
Due Today: Observation journal #2
Learning Target: W.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach. 
  1. Do Now: What did you learn from your observation activity? You have 10 minutes to respond in your notebook. Remember that this is a warm-up activity. So, write for the ENTIRE TIME.
  2. After: Setup INB Check #1
    # of Entries
    Assignment Name
    Peer Initial
    8/19 or 20
    INB Check #1
    do not write here
  3. Then: Scheduled work-time for Major Project #1 (40 minutes).
  4. Next: Conduct INB Check #1
Target Practice: I will be able to have a draft of my first major project by August 30 @ midnight. Fist-5?
  • Complete a draft of your first major project by Monday @ classtime.
  • Continue adding to your Vocabulary list of 35 new adjectives ONLY
  • Optional: continue your observation journals if they help you gain new insight about characters, situations, life, etc.
Looking Ahead...Major Project #1 due August 30 @ midnight!

Quarter 1, Week 3 of 10

Drop your bag anywhere with an orange bag sign.
Make sure your phone is off. I will let you know if and when you might need it later.
Tuesday, August 13
Due Today: 3 Personal Narrative Ideas, Signed syllabus
Learning Target: L.9-12.6 Acquire and use accurately new academic and domain-specific words and phrases. W.9-12.3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences. RL.9-12.3 Analyze the impact of the author's choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama.
  1. Do Now: In your notebook, copy the phrase below. You will have 10 minutes to write about it's meaning and relevance to you. Make sure to write today's date at the top of each page used.
    • Nosce te ipsum (know yourself)
  2. After: Read A View from Mt. Ritter by Joseph T. O'Connor
  3. Then: Consider the three conflicts you brought with you to class today. Try to describe each one in either words or drawings in the time provided. Can you make a connection to what you wrote regarding the latin phrase nosce te ipsum you considered at the beginning of class?
  4. Next: Free-write a story in your notebook about one of the three events you brought with you to class today. After writing, read your story for the theme of nosce te ipsum (know yourself). Remember to title it Personal Narrative Free-write, and label each page with today's date.
Target Practice: I can continue drafting a personal narrative that reveals a story where the character, either real or imagined, is finding him/herself. Fist-5?
  • finish drafting the story begun in class today for small group reading next class.
  • Thursday is the last day to earn a grade for the signed syllabus
Thursday, August 15
Due Today: open mind, last day for signed syllabus
Learning Target: L.9-12.6 Acquire and use accurately new academic and domain-specific words and phrases. W.9-12.3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences. RL.9-12.3 Analyze the impact of the author's choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama.
  1. Do Now: In your small groups, take turns reading and listening to the personal narratives. FEEL FREE to take notes while you listen. These notes should help with: situational ideas, vocabulary, or sensory details.
  2. After: Discuss the syllabus, vocabulary, and grading for the course
  3. Then: Groups choose one story to be read aloud to the class.
  4. Next: Sign-in to Google Classroom
Target Practice: I can revise my narrative for possible use as Major Project #1 OR I can write a proposal for major project #1 other than the narrative. Fist-5?
  • Continue revising personal narrative OR start a new one. There should be a completed draft ready for next class. This can be written in yor INB or typed in Google Classroom
Looking Ahead...Making a Decision on Major Project #1!

Quarter 1, Week 2 of 10 (Week 1 is for teachers only)

Drop your bag in the front of the anywhere with an orange bag sign.
Make sure your phone is off and in your bag OR off and charging at the charge center.
Wednesday, August 8
Due Today: None
Learning Target: L.9-12.6 Acquire and use accurately new academic and domain-specific words and phrases. RI.9-12.5 Analyze how claims are developed and refined by structure. SL.9-12.2 Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media.
  1. Do Now: Find your seat and read the message on the front board.
  2. After: Review KKHS folder or Planner Pages
  3. Then: Collaboration Animal Survey
  4. Next: Review supplies for class 
Target Practice: I understand and can explain what I need to know and do to be successful in Creative Writing. Fist-5?
  • Return ALL signed documents to your 4th Period Teacher on Friday
  • Supplies for next class- 8.5x11" 5-Subject Notebook
Friday, August 9
Due Today: Classroom Supplies
Learning Target: L.9-12.6 Acquire and use accurately new academic and domain-specific words and phrases. RI.9-12.5 Analyze how claims are developed and refined by structure. SL.9-12.2 Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media.
  1. Do Now: Read the syllabus and annotate according to the method in class.
  2. After: Create name tent for collaborative activities (follow instructions given in class)
  3. Then: Make INB cover using collaboration animal, greatest hope, and greatest fear
  4. Next: Setting up the INB
    • Section V...the mystery
Target Practice: I understand and can explain what I need to know and do to be successful in Creative Writing. Fist-5?
  • Signed syllabus due Monday/Tuesday
  • Arrive to class knowing three different conflicts from your personal life OR ones from the outside world that have profoundly impacted you (for better or worse).
Looking Ahead...observation, reflection, and why they are so important for developing a narrative!